Oh, the jealousy, oh how deliciously sweet the jealousy is.
It’s official, there’s no doubt about it, Sabrina and Kelly are most definitely girlfriends.
The Angels go off on a retreat to which one of Sabrina’s idols just so happens to be visiting at the same time. This is not just any idol, it’s a intellectual-crush on a Polish Professor in Politics. Kelly playfully, but with a note of frustration exclaims that “she’s got a crush on a sixty year old man!”. Her voice clearly indicates how absurd she finds both his age and gender, and as Sabrina’s ramblings just won’t stop, Kelly simply hits her over the head with a magazine to get her to shut up. It’s all very cute.
Through a coincidence Sabrina does end up sharing a glass of plum brandy with her big idol and gets downright giddy asking him questions about his work. That giddiness then spreads and afterwards she rushes to find her girlfriend. She finds Kelly showing off her rainbow coloured bikini to Jill and quickly grabs Kelly’s hand to get her closer, and possibly to stop her from flashing their friend (just cause Sabrina has a man-crush doesn‘t mean she can‘t get possessive). With a twinkle in her eyes she tells the relaxing Jill and the very annoyed Kelly about her meeting with the professor. Sabrina hands Kelly a single white flower, a gesture that momentarily takes the frown off of Kelly’s face. A frown that reappears and intensifies as Kelly realises the older man have been in “our room”, the our especially emphasised as she looks into Sabrina’s eyes. Kelly clearly does not approve.

[Gay Pride anno 1977]

[A flower for a lady]
Despite Kelly’s dislike of Sabrina’s gushing, she is not about to let Sabrina suffer from the Professors brush-off later on. The two are sitting alone at a table in the bar and drinking (whiskey and that ring!), when Kelly does her best to make Sabrina forget about it without losing the admiration she has for the man. Now that in itself is a very good indicator of the intimacy of their relationship, as well as the care. At that point one of the bad-guys interrupts by paying for their drinks.
Sleaze: This kinda scenery is rare around here.
Sabrina sigh/snorts.
Sleaze: May I?
Sabrina looks to Kelly who gives her approval with a shrug.
Sabrina: Sure go ahead.
The discussion continues and Sabrina realises the sleaze might be one of the bad-guys and ends up playing him.
Sabrina asking the man: What room are you in?
Kelly looking shocked.
Sleaze: Eight.
Sabrina: Eight? Eight is my lucky number.
Kelly’s look of shock turns into pissed off.
After some more conversation Sabrina goes off with the man to his room, Kelly looking appalled after them. Sabrina sneaks back to Kelly under the ruse of retrieving the bracelet she had intentionally left behind. When she on her own gets back to the table a clearly upset Kelly tells Sabrina, in what can best be described as a warning, “Eight is not your lucky number!”. Sabrina quickly explains the plan, and Kelly goes from fuming mad to simply frustrated over her girlfriends inability to let it go. It’s fucking brilliant. (If you want to see it for yourself, follow this link).
Then for the remainder of the episode there's some looking with intent and general random touching.

[General touching (and Kelly's shirt!)]

[Looking with intent (the shirt again!]
To summaries, these two are girlfriends. There’s really no other way of describing their relationship and their reactions. Kelly most definitely does not approve of playing second fiddle to Sabrina’s obsession with the Professor, but she will always stand by girlfriend, no matter how frustrating her behaviour. That said, I’m thinking the obsession, and the crack about the Professor’s son (end of episode) most definitely landed Sabrina some time in the doghouse.
Coming Up;
The one with all the sex.